File Stream

A file stream is a special kind of stream that reads in a file and provides data as a stream to the receiving device. Since file data is streamed, it can handle large files, even when using the synchronous access methods.

file = new hakkit.file(path, <access>, <encoding>)

new hakkit.file(path, access, encoding) will create a new stream source with the given parameters that can either be passed to a tube or accessed via the and file.write methods.<size>) will return size bytes of data from the file. This data will be streamed, so unless called with no paramters, will only load as much data from the file as necessary. The representation of the data is specified by encoding in the constructor, so if hex is passed as encoding, will return a hexedecimal string. This will return false if it fails.


file.write(data) will write data to the file. If passed as a buffer, the data will be written as-is. If passwed as a byte Array, the data will be converted to a buffer and written to a file. If passed as a string, the data will be decoded using encoding and written to the file. This will return false if it fails.