
Tubes are abstract types that take a spawn stream and expose methods for reading and writing data to them.

tube = new (spawner)


tube.recv() returns either everything stored in the receiving buffer or the next chunk of incoming data. This function is blocking.


tube.recvline() returns a single line of data from the tube, returning everything up to and including the first newline character (“\n”). This function is blocking.


tube.recvuntil(rgx) returns all data up until and including data matched by the regular expression rgx. This function is blocking.


tube.send(data) transmits data through the tube sending and flushing it without a newline at the end. Note that while data is sent, some spawners will not recognise it without a newline (“\n”) character to flush it through.


tube.send(data) transmits data through the tube with a newline (“\n”) character at the end. This is helpful for spawners that expect an entire line to be passed (such as a spawned shell)


tube.interactive opens up a readline REPL for whatever the current spawner is. This will allow you to interact with the tube in real time. Note, tube.interactive currently does not work in the Node REPL (it cannot bind to stdin). This function is blocking.

tube.on(evt, callback)

tube.on("input", function(length) {...}) will call callback with the parameter length representing how many bytes the input is requesting. Input data can either be returned from the function, or sent via tube.sendline. Returnsed data will not have a new line appended to it. This function is not blocking.

tube.on("data", function(data) {...}) will call callback with the parameter data as a buffer representing the data transmitted out from the spawner. Since this is chunked data, there are no gauruntees made on the size of data or the conditions of it. This function is not blocking

Note, once tube.on has a bound handler for data, the blocking methods will no longer be called. Calling tube.on("data", false) will reset this.